+2760 220 6780

Bwiti Teaching

"Life is for living. Life is the greatest gift." 

~Shaman Moughenda Mikala~ 



The Iboga plant is a small shrub which is native to West Coast equatorial Africa. Iboga medicine comes from the root bark of this shrub. 

People of the region have been using Iboga for thousands of years for all types of healing and spiritual discovery. It is the only known plant medicine to have both a male and female spirit creating a balance that can connect you with the truth.

When provided by well-trained practitioners, this medicine heals many of society's common problems such as anxiety, depression, addiction and PTSD.  It is the plant medicine most renowned for helping people make and maintain positive long-term changes in their lives.

Iboga medicine offers a powerful mind-body detox, soul integration, physical healing and spiritual discovery.



Transform your life with the healing power of Iboga medicine.

Join us for a 7-day healing experience that will transform your life.

Iboga will change the way you see yourself and the way you see your life. Open up to ancient teachings from the Bwiti Missoko Tribe of Gabon. Allow Iboga to take you through to all the places within yourself that you have been afraid to look into, and get to a place to unlock your potential without anything holding you back.

You deserve to live a wonderful and fulfilling life!

  • Man A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

    Bwiti School of Life 

    We offer you an experience at our retreat with Iboga Medicine hosted by a traditionally trained Bwiti Missoko qualified provider.  

  • Bank Cards A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

    Look within...

    Let Iboga take you inside yourself to find all that you are searching for.  Heal and Live your best life!

image courtesy of Moughenda Village, Gabon
dunia healing

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